My Daily Day

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Last Night I had the weirdest dream ever..

I dreamt that before my dad passed away, he gave me 700,000 dollars. For some weird reason, I saved all those money in my car's trunk. One day I went to some place and there were this little people who get into my car's trunk and stole some of em. Not all of them, just some, so I thought.. well it's okay.. I still have plenty. But the next day one of this little people family came by to my house and asked for more money.. and I cried... I cried and told them that this is the only thing that my dad left behind for me, and you guys want to take it away from me.. I cried and I cried.. begging them not to touch the money...

what a dream.... everytime I dreamt about my dad.. i felt like when I cried in my dream.. I always woke up with a swelling/puffy eyes...

PS: today I went to Des Moines.. had lunch with Ringga.. and then stopped by at TJ Max .. but... instead of shopped for clothes.. I bought a frying pan.. what's wrong with me???!!! Now i have about 6 different sizes of frying pans !!!


  • the better to cook with, m'dear!! hahahahaah so you can cook for me hahahhaahhahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahhaha

    By Blogger VP, at 10:17 PM  

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