My Daily Day

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

So.. do people think about themselves too much? or we just simply don't care about other people?

If I said.. yeah I do have a full time job.. but after 5:30 if I don't get any overtime paid.. should I even bother to stick around? Anyway.. I do have a full time job but I also have a husband need to be fed... I mean I know he can feed himself with no problem. But believe me.. if I don't cook for him.. I will ended up eating Mc. D or Wendy's (junk food). Can some people understand... after 5:30.. my mind will be at somewhere else.. I will think about what should I cook tonight, do I need to clean.. do I need to do laundry.. so after 5:30.. whatever people say to me it will be translated to giberish for me..

I think I'm PMSing.. I cried over the movie ELF three days ago... so watch out people !!


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